We set out to better understand the reasons behind high malnutrition rates in cashew households in 推荐买球平台’s sourcing network.
贫困, lack of healthcare infrastructure and access to clean water and sanitation contribute to lowered life expectancies in many of the countries which we rely on for crops. Individuals with specific health issues – whether suffering a disease or exposed to episodic risks, 比如怀孕的女性——是最脆弱的.
推荐几个足彩外围app的一些非洲消费者市场存在饮食不足的问题. 在实际, these are addressed in some of the staples produced by our Packaged Foods business which fortifies goods such as tomato paste and beverages in line with the requirements identified by local agencies and government bodies.
Working with communities on the ground allows us to better understand their needs and to support them with training programmes, 医疗保健举措和基础设施. 推荐几个足彩外围app对员工也有责任, 确保他们获得充足和安全的食物来源, 工作时间的水和卫生设施. 探索推荐几个足彩外围app在去年开展的一些活动, 以及它们带来的积极影响, 在推荐几个足彩外围app最近的年度报告中.
推荐几个足彩外围app鼓励创新. 与…合作 Agropolis基金会, the 推荐买球平台 Prize for 创新 in Food Security recognises research teams and individuals with initiatives which may carry significant impact on the availability, 可购性, 食物的可得性或充足性. 该奖项每两年举办一次,向所有人开放.
We continue to review our own operations and supply chain, to make positive changes. 然而,推荐几个足彩外围app无法单独完成所需的更改级别. We are active in a number of sector-wide initiatives and are collaborating with customers to help them mitigate their environmental impacts.
Pastors in 巴布亚新几内亚 are on a mission to help keep coffee farmers and their communities shielded from the coronavirus.